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Suryan, Robert M., D. B. Irons, E. D. Brown, P. G. R. Jodice, and D. D. Roby. "Site-specific effects on productivity of an upper trophic-level marine predator: Bottom-up, top-down, and mismatch effects on reproduction in a colonial seabird." Progress in Oceanography 68, no. 2-4 (2006): 303-328.
Suryan, Robert M., Janet G. Webster, Maryann Bozza, and Itchung Cheung. Educational Needs Assessment for Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center. Newport, OR: Oregon State University, 2013.
Suryan, Robert M., V. S. Saba, B. P. Wallace, S. A. Hatch, M. Frederiksen, and S. Wanless. "Environmental forcing on life history strategies: Evidence for multi-trophic level responses at ocean basin scales." Progress in Oceanography 81, no. 1-4 (spec. issue) (2009): 214-222.
Suryan, Robert M.. Comparative foraging ecology of five species of Pacific seabirds : multi-scale analyses of marine habitat use. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. Doctoral Dissertation (Wildlife Science), 2006.
Suryan, Robert M., J. A. Santora, and W. J. Sydeman. "New approach for using remotely-sensed chlorophyll a to identify seabird “hotspots”." Marine Ecology Progress Series 451 (2012): 213-225.
Suryan, Robert M., D. J. Anderson, S. A. Shaffer, D. d Roby, Y. Tremblay, D. P. Costa, P. R. Sievert, F. Sato, K. Ozaki, G. R. Balogh et al. "Wind, waves, and wing loading: morphological specialization may limit range expansion of endangered albatrosses." PLoS One 3, no. 12 (2008): e4016, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004016.
Suryan, Robert M., D. P. Craig, D. D. Roby, N. D. Chelgren, K. Collis, W. D. Shuford, and D. E. Lyons. "Redistribution and growth of the Caspian Tern Population in the Pacific Coast Region of North America, 1981-2000." Condor 106, no. 4 (2004): 777-790.
Suryan, Robert M., E. M. Phillips, Khemarith So, J. E. Zamon, Roy W. Lowe, and Shawn W. Stephensen. Marine bird colony and at-sea distributions along the Oregon coast: implications for marine spatial planning and information gap analysis In Northest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Report. Corvallis: Oregon State University, 2012.
Suryan, Robert M., Kimberly S. Dietrich, Edward F. Melvin, G. R. Balogh, Fumio Sato, and Kiyoaki Ozaki. "Migratory routes of short-tailed albatrosses: Use of exclusive economic zones of North Pacific Rim countries and spatial overlap with commercial fisheries in Alaska." Biological Conservation 137, no. 3 (2007): 450-460.
Suryan, Robert M., K. J. Kuletz, S. L. Parker-Stetter, P. H. Ressler, M. Renner, J. K. Horne, E. V. Farley, and E. A. Labunski. "Temporal shifts in seabird populations and spatial coherence with prey in the southeastern Bering Sea." Marine Ecology Progress Series 549 (2016): 199-215.
Suryan, Robert M., and K. N. Fischer. "Stable isotope analysis and satellite tracking reveal interspecific resource partitioning of nonbreeding albatrosses off Alaska." Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 88, no. 3 (2010): 299-305.
Suryan, Robert M., F. Sato, G. R. Balogh, K. D. Hyrenbach, P. R. Sievert, and K. Ozaki. "Foraging destinations and marine habitat use of short-tailed albatrosses: A multi-scale approach using first-passage time analysis." Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 53, no. 3-4 (2006): 370-386.
Suryan, Robert M., R. Albertani, B. Polagye, Additional Investigators, T. Harrison, J. Flowers, W. Beattie, C. Hu, and B. Hrywnak. A synchronized sensor array for remote monitoring of avian and bat interactions with offshore renewable energy facilities [Final Report to the Department of Energy for project DOE_EE0005363]., 2016.
Suryan, Robert M.. "Book Review: Albatross: Their World, Their Ways." Marine Ornithology 38, no. 2 (2010): 137-138.